Wednesday, August 5, 2009

AMC Humanizes an Automatic Transaction


Hey Clay! Thanks for being here, man. You know, I didn't know how I was going to get through that transaction without you. There are so many hard questions like, "which movie would you like to see?" and "which time?" But now that you're here to reassure me that all my hard efforts were successful and appreciated, I think I'm going to be okay. Thanks to you, I WILL go watch that movie. What's that, Clay? You want to play catch? Well, that's what that silly hand position of yours tells me. Wait a minute. We can't play catch. I think...I think you're a machine, Clay. WHAT IS THIS DECEPTION? You're not human at all! I thought we had something going here. And you mean to say that I completed this entire movie ticket transaction by myself? Of course you aren't saying that. You aren't saying anything, you're not real. You're just a picture of a boy with a mutarded hand, telling me to have a nice day. Well... thank you, I think I will.

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