Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Entire Twilight Empire

This is sure to be a multi-post topic.

Fact: I began to read Twilight after it exploded and was admittedly more intrigued than I anticipated. The writing was bad and Stephanie Meyer decides to fawn on one new word every couple of pages and thinks this is an excuse for not using more advanced sentence structures and-oh, I don't know- good descriptions of actually interesting events. Wrong, but even so, it's like candy because who doesn't want to have their boring life spiced up by a clan of sexy, harmless vampires. (No? Oh well...)

Fact: Once I got to page 80 or so, I decided to watch the movie instead. OH BOY. I will restrain myself from a detailed description of the fantastic cinematography, writing, and acting for the sake of a digestible length post. Needless to say, those three aspects of this movie are breathtaking...ly bad. So bad that Eliza and I decided to make a (really good) drinking game to the movie which we tested with diet coke (contact us for the rules).

I admit that even though Twilight is the absolute definition of ridiculousness, I am casually interested in how the rest of the saga pans out. Maybe I'll read New Moon. Or wait for the movie. I am excited to see how it follows up its brilliant predecessor, but NOT as excited as this lady who wins the award for number one ridiculous Twilight fanatic:

In short, Twilight is like one big ball of ridiculous that keeps accumulating layers and is now out of control. Beware, it may roll after you and get you before you even know it's too late.

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